Listed below are the posters displayed at the 2017 Annual Conference - to view, click on the poster name.
02. A very expensive sticking plaster?
03. Accessing Advanced Care Plans: what's in a Key Information Summary (KIS)?
05. An Evaluation of the Lothian Palliative Care Redesign Programme
06. An Innovative Approach To Community Nursing
07. Anticipatory Care Plans and Advanced Care Plans in Non-Malignant Palliative Care
12. End of life care in hospital - are we getting it right?
13. End of life care: service evaluation in a hospice in-patient unit
14 End-stage chronic liver disease: a look at the last year of life
15. Enriching & Improving Experience
16. Football and Absent Friends
17. Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care
18. Implementing Palliative and End of Life Care Standards in Scottish Prisons
19. Inheritance Books and Health Promoting Palliative Care at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
20. Inspiring Leadership – Leading self; leading others in a palliative care setting
21. Introduction of a 7-day Clinical Nurse Specialist service, a partnership approach
22. Is palliative care appropriate for people with major stroke?
23. Is Scotland ready to create its own day of the dead?
25. More Care Less Pathway approach to end of life care
27. Palliative and end of life care in the community
28. Palliative and end of life care research in Scotland 2006 – 2015: A scoping review
29. Palliative care in the ICU setting
30. Palliative care from diagnosis to death: developing a rationale
31. Palliative intent treatment for head and neck cancer: an analysis of local practice and outcomes
33. Person-centred care – at the heart of what we do
34. Proactive Discharge - a person-centred approach to wellbeing within a hospice day service
35. 'Putting Activity Back into Life: The Inception of a Wellbeing Group'
37. Rosebery End of Life Care and Choices
38. Socioeconomic status is associated with place of death in patients known to hospice services
39. Testing a WISeR approach to community palliative care and accompanying pamphlet
42. The Inside Out Hospice Approach
44. Using poetry to describe the essence of person-centred engagement in palliative care
46. Working together to enable person-centred palliative and end of life care