We are a service that provides specialist palliative care for anyone who had a diagnosis of cancer, or a progressive life-limiting illness
Our services include
Community Macmillan Nurses
Macmillan Day Services
Symptom Control Clinic
Occupational Therapy
Complementary Therapies
The service is also supported by a team of volunteers
Mon and Tues - Macmillan Day Unit, Arbroath Infirmary
Wed - Macmillan Day Unit, Whitehills Health and Community Care Centre, Forfar
Thurs and Fri - Macmillan Centre, Stracathro Hospital, Brechin
Arbroath Macmillan Day Unit, Arbroath Infirmary, Rosemount Road, Arbroath DD11 2AT
Whitehills Macmillan Day Unit, Clova Ward, Whitehills Health & Community Care Centre, Station Road, Forfar, Angus DD8 3DY
Stracathro Macmillan Centre, Stracathro Hospital, Brechin DD9 7QA
Tel: Arbroath - 01241 822594 Whitehills - 01307 475188 Stracathro - 01356 665014
Email: rachel.leonard1@nhs.scot
or claire.stewart@nhs.scot