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Our work

We undertake a varied range of work, all with the overarching objective of improving people’s experiences of living with declining health, death, dying and bereavement in Scotland.  If you want to know more, think we might be able to help you, or have any ideas for something we should work on then please get in touch!

The story of our work and achievements during 2023-24 can be downloaded here.

SPPC's workplan for 2024-25 can be downloaded here.

SPPC's Annual Accounts for 2023-24 can be downloaded here.


Delivering Our Strategy

In 2024 SPPC reviewed how it had performed in relation to its strategic objectives over the preceding 6 years.  As part of that review we surveyed our members and stakeholders.  Of respondents to the survey: 

Specific comments included:

"SPPC is a fantastic organisation and a credit to Scotland in helping lead the way on Palliative Care. Their skill in bringing people together is hugely needed and they serve as important stewards of the National work and response to palliative care requirements." 

"The SPPC is the conduit for effective change across Scotland to benefit those with palliative and end of life care needs as well as those who care for them, professionally or informally."

"The SPPC deals with and supports people deal with unique aspects of our lives when facing the emotional rollercoaster of death and bereavement. Their work is very valuable to so many."


Outputs delivered by and through the SPPC include:


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